Telephone Service


All patient rooms are equipped with telephones.

  • Credit card or collect long-distance calls may be placed by dialing 9 + 0 + the number.
  • To get an outside line, dial 9.
  • To call a patient room direct, dial 903-408-1 + the three digit room number.

Hunt Regional Medical Center patients who do not wish to receive telephone calls can notify the operator by dialing 0.

Telephones for the hearing impaired are available on request.

Quick Links

Patient forms, the advance directive, privacy statement, and other information will be provided in Spanish if needed. A translator will be provided to help you and your family communicate with hospital staff if needed. Translation service is available in several languages.

All patient rooms are equipped with telephones.

  • Credit card or collect long-distance calls may be placed by dialing 9 + 0 + the number.
  • To get an outside line, dial 9.
  • To call a patient room direct, dial 903-408-1 + the three digit room number.

Hunt Regional Medical Center patients who do not wish to receive telephone calls can notify the operator by dialing 0.

Telephones for the hearing impaired are available on request.